Sunday 4 February 2007

It's Sunday Morning

Morning all, in days gone by I’d be in my parents bed indulging it the “Sunday Morning Gossip Network” deeply involved in the, he said, she said discussions of the night before. However age, and the attraction of DVD box sets comes to us all, so I spent last night in, as such there is very little gossip to share.

Moving on I’m sat on my bed, drinking peppermint tea brought to me by much beloved emb. I’m very relaxed, but eat far to much last night and then stayed up late on the phone to A:J who is going to be a weird uncle again, which is nice. I went out for Hallowe’en in 2005 and meet up with his family & friends and generally imposed my self upon them (cheers all).

So we had a long chat about family, friends, dogs, tea and Tabasco, we were on for a while. Thankfully through the wonder of first:telecom I get calls to the USA at 1.5p per minute (Malaysia is 3p). Which means the call was under £1!

I’ve never had altitude issues before, but then I’ve never been that high before, Denver, CO altitude - 1635 meters, Laramie, WY altitude - 2218 meters (that’s over a mile and a 1/3 up), Saratoga, WY - 2 068 meters. All in all, very high!

It is most concerning being a Brit and being incapable of holding any alcohol, particularly amongst Americans. That is apposed to the very few millilitres I used to be able to manage! No alcohol on the new drugs however, so when/if I can drink again, I’ll be even worse.

Aside from the no drinking, which to be honest is an annoyance rather than a trauma, the new tablets are going well. I’m feeling better in myself, it’s day 31 and it’s fairly calm, looking good.

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