Saturday 25 November 2006

dancing - kind of

I'm tired, well I'm nearly always tired but to day it's because the EMB got up at 0500 to go to "the city" he feed the farm but I still woke up.

all in all not the best of starts.

I went to Bollywood @DX today, I didn't want to but the perfect gentleman (TPG) said I had to, EMB said it was like falling off a camel. (or rather like when I fell of a camel).

what happened I hear you ask, we maybe the few that have this URL. I was supposed to be dancing on Thursday at a thing, very low key, spent ages psyching myself up. I asked about cameras, mainly flashes, I explained but got told they'd not be about while there was dancing. so first go though and flashes so bright the could be used for first contact directed at us. had to run off. response when I asked after the dance had finished "well of course the press is here". I left while still on the legal side of homicide. it was a struggle, the bout of grumpy hysteria helped.

So although embarrassed I went, but, unlike when I fell off the Camel I now want to go back next week.

Shakira, the camel I fell off

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