Friday 22 December 2006

On the Way to the Holiday

The alarm went of this morning & I thought I’d forgotten to turn it off.

It took about 10 minutes for me to realise it was Friday and there was one more day left that was a struggle, getting up I mean. EMB dropped me off at work then want off to bang his drum to welcome the dawn from the longest night.

Work is now over for many days, that’s all I have to say about that (in the words of forest) I had a trauma today, I started some new drug about 3 months ago, falling down has stopped, (good thing), but twitchy brain falling out of ears has increased, a lot, people in my team think it’s funny in a used to it don’t notice any more kind of way. The rest of work (& the world) thinks I’m a little weird as in “see the crazy lady”. It’s probably not as bad as that, but it’s noticeable (not so good thing)

So last week I saw the Lord High Dr King of the special people. he said that the old drug (all praise GSK) and the new drug can do that. Quick note – new drug doesn’t stop falling down but helps old drug work more effectively - better living through chemistry. Where was I? So proscribed drug three hopefully stops the “crazy lady” and makes falling down les likely, which is nice.

One concern is drug three has some potential, but hopefully transient, unpleasant side affects. Going to wait till after Christmas before I start taking it. Think that I’ll try to stick with base level grumpy avoiding any chemical enhancements. Should avoid alcohol for a while after as well, so I am enjoying a glass of pinot noir, watching the TV, fun and games.

Oh, I could be the only person in the world on this combination of medication, proof I’m special.

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