Sunday 21 January 2007

benefit humanity - without the hard work

Right now my computer is taking part in the FightAIDS@Home project, helping to find new drugs. It may one day help in one of the other projects, it is all part of world community grid which means they use the bits of my computer that I don't.

It's not a short term project, in my case it's been going for 15 minutes and is 1% complete, but just think, my computer and by proxy me is helping to kind a drug to combat HIV/AIDS (or identify drugs that don't, which is just as important, but less exciting)

There are other projects on which they work, and you can choose just one a few, or like me just tick all, working on the principal that they know better than me what needs doing when.

If you're worried about it slowing you’re computer down (which is unlikely unless you're playing a very processor hungry game, or encrypting top secret files). You can set it to only run when your screensaver is active, so while you go make a cuppa, your computer is helping to one day save lives.

We’re on day 17, and this morning seems better.

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