Saturday 12 May 2007

10 things

According to the BBC's 10 things

3. Pre-schoolers will watch a favourite DVD or video for an average of 17 times before getting bored.

So 17 times, I watch my DVD's far more than that a Pre-schooler.

I work there's a chap I lend my DVD's sometimes, and he lends me his, difference is he lends me his kids DVD's, and he shows mine to his kid.

should this worry me?


Jo said...

Kids these days, obviously no staying power. I'm pretty sure I wore tapes out as a child.

Things haven't changed much since then come to think of it. That's normal right?

dizzykj said...

ah - you may be missing a key point here - they say that pre-schoolers get bored after 17 watches of their fav DVD - they didn't say that this number gets smaller as we get older...