Monday 24 March 2008

Family Outing

I have been reliably informed there are only two days of the year when one can go clubbing with ones parents with impunity, Christmas & Easter. That's a relief!

Last night I went out with the family, to a broad street bar to see the wonder that is

King Pleasure & the Biscuit Boys

can't beat it. This lead to much dancing, which lead to spinning, which lead to a very dizzy me. Had a fantastic time, danced with every family member, a jolly good time was had by all.

at 21.00 the band finished and the karaoke started. We went to sit further away as D said it was to loud (he was right, but not going to admit that).

after which both baby Bros did karaoke, with M and DuLa cheering them on. Their karaoke was very good and set the bar very high, which with karaoke can only be a good thing.

Was home for 22.30, can't argue really!

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