Friday 23 March 2007

What’s next?

Going to see TPG soon, it’ll be exciting &, as you can see, I have guide books. Also I have a new camera, 6 mega pixels, which is nice. With the photos set to the highest quality I can still get over a thousand photos on a 2G card. That’s a lot of photos, not sure what I’d do with that many photos

I could always put them up here … I could just take photos of a non grey sky, which would also be nice.

So the first step is to book the flights, the planed itinerary is flying to KL, then flying to SR (Angkor Wat), back to KL, on to HK and then back home. TPG (with encouragement & assistance) is doing flights and accommodation and I'm doing stuff like checking the indigenous infections, and malaria tablets.

There are at the moment pharmacists at the QE comparing side affects and interactions of different malaria tablets with my medication ensuring that the ones I get to take won't kill me, or interact to badly with my medication. Which is nice.

I'm looking forward to it, so exciting!

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